Saturday, January 22, 2022

A Desperate Cry

Habakuk 1:2 (KJV) declares, "O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!"  Here, the Prophet Habakkuk has been seeking the Lord earnestly in prayer and supplication for Him to intervene in the social ills of his present time.  Habakkuk saw before him  a lawless generation, filled with violence and injustice and prayed, that God would do something about it.  The nation of Judah became stiff-necked, refusing to turn.  

Here we are like Habakkuk, we have been faced with the social ills of our present reality, having to grapple with the grave uncertainty of a pandemic that hit our shores with woes on top of woes.  Some are just trying to pick up the pieces while some are still in denial, frustration, saddened, heartbroken and depressed; loosing job, friends, family, health deteriorating and some still recovering from the gruesome virus "Covid-19".

Yet still, there are others who for quite some time have been faced with immense trials, persecution, rejection, battling depression and anxiety.  As a result of such, they have become weary, weak and restless trying to fathom when will God respond to their cries.  If you have been at that place where you have been praying, fasting and seeking the face of God and you are yet to see the hand of God concerning you, then you are able to identify with the Prophet Habakkuk.

In these times of desperation our faith may become shaken to the point where the enemy "The Devil" begins to whisper in our ears telling us, "It makes no sense!", "Why don't you quit?", "Nothing will ever work out!", "Don't you see that you are wasting your time?" We all at some point in time have been there.

I want to say to us that in these times it is important to keep trusting in God by faith.  Therefore, even though we may not  see it yet, we can still trust His knowledge.  Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) reminds us, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Psalm 56:3-4 (Passion Translation) declares, "But in the day that I’m afraid, I lay all my fears before You and trust in You with all my heart.  What harm could a man bring to me? With God on my side, I will not be afraid of what comes.  The roaring praises of God fill my heart as I trust His promises."  Hallelujah!  When God is on our side, He'll make it alright!  

It's a time to be completely honest with God about what we are going through and how we feel about it.  Often times, we pray but still haven't uncover our situation before the Lord.  It's ok to tell Him what troubles us and what we are faced with.  A desperate cry requires, desperate measures.  It is time to let our cry come up before the Lord and then wait on His timing.  Psalm 107:6 (KJV) "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses."  If we cry sincerely from our hearts and touch Him, He will deliver us.  The songwriter stated, "Touching Jesus is all that really matters, and our lives will NEVER be the same.  There's only one way to touch Him, just BELIEVE when you call on His Name."

Continue to trust and believe in God.  Be thou strengthened today and be encouraged that light will break-forth out of our tunnel!

Shalom, shalom!


  1. Bless God, another interesting blog,. Indeed we as a people are making desperate cry for her mercy a d for God to intervene and eradicate this dreaded virus. I'm encouraged by this blog as it points me to the fact thank Still answers prayer.. Bless yluProphetess

  2. Thank you so much for this. Very profound.What solid words to take the next level.Blessings on you and your ministry WOG.

  3. Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me Bless his Holy name. Indeed my soul has been Bless,thank you for these sound words unto us today. A desperate cry is what we need to have in this time and season.
    Heaven Bless you Prophetess

  4. Right words for the right season, we need to identify our season as Habakuk declares and cry out to God, as desparate situations needs desparate mesures ! God you are always strategic in your actions. Solid words, God be praised !

  5. God blessing Prophetess Roma for your words was truly inspiration and profound. In this world we living, we have to lift our faith and cry out to the Lord only he alone can carried us through this pandemic.

  6. God be praised. Let us continue to pray. Amen

  7. Hallelujah Touching Jesus is that really matters!
    God bless you sis
    Thanks for sharing

  8. Hallelujah. Thank you for this propetic word. The lord blesses you abundantly.

  9. Halleluyah tvank you Jesus right word for the season.

  10. Another word of encouragement that hit the right concerns of the mind of God's people.
    God bless you my dearπŸ™πŸ»

  11. To God be the glory! Stay blessed



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