Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Have you by any chance, at some point in time, planted a flower in a pot of clay but somehow, you happen to transplant the flower into a different spot or location in the ground because you believe that the flower will survive in the ground rather than in the pot? Then, without the slightest warning, the plant that was healthy began to wither and die.

When this happens, we may want to question ourselves what could have happened why the plant did not survive. There are quite a few things that could have cause the plant to die.  It maybe the change of environment or it could be that the roots got destroyed in the process or the plant lacks water or sunlight based on its' new location.  Thus, having an untimely or premature death.

So is it with us as children of God, we have to be very careful about our spiritual location and to what spiritual office the Lord has called us into.  Many times the Lord has called us and has anointed us and has placed us into a role or office to lead in, and we tend to shy away from such or we play a blind eye.  Some persons even upon being appointed into an office or position, will even try to shun their duties or assignments because they are busy paying attention to another area or 'lane' that they were not called.

Many individuals in doing so, are not able to see the manifold will of God manifested in their lives because, they are busy coveting someone else's gift, anointing or calling.  They believe that they should be the ones to be anointed or called to a certain office and so because of that, they are not able to bloom where they are planted.

When this happens, there is often a spirit of power struggle and 'competition' that raises up among those individuals.  This spirit will keep on pushing up it's ugly head by being covetous, jealous, by telling lies, by defaming the character of the person whom God has called into the office he or she wishes to be placed in, by spreading propaganda on the individual and by passing uncanny remarks and hurling negative comments at the other.  
If such an individual(s) does not receive deliverance from this spirit, it can cause a premature ending of his or her ministry or spiritual connections and associations that the Lord has ordained may very well become warped or damaged.

It is very important that as believers, we stay in our own lanes and become a blessing there, by fulfilling the call of God on our lives (blooming where we are planted).  Don't try to covet someone because of where God has placed them! If you are instrumental in the field, 'lane', office or area in ministry that the Lord has called you and you served well, without a shadow of a doubt, God will promote you and elevate you.  

Where Are The Davids?

David was a shepherd boy who was given the task or duty of caring for his father's sheep.  David did this very well and mastered the art and by doing so, he learned the different tactics of protecting the sheep from danger or harmful prey.  David bloomed where he was planted!  This was demonstrated when Goliath sought to go to battle with the Israelite army and David in 1 Samuel 17:34-37 declared, "...Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him.  Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God.  David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the Lord be with thee."

David won the battle against Goliath because he was well trained, and well prepared because he bloomed where he was planted.  David had the anointing of God upon his life for leadership and ministry because in 1Samuel chapter 16, the prophet Samuel anointed David to be King over Israel.  When Samuel went and anointed David, Saul was already King over Israel but God had rejected Saul because of his disobedience in previous chapters.
Although David was anointed, He still reared his father's sheep until his time came to be elevated as Saul's assistant after he won the battle with Goliath.  It was there that David also learnt some of the things he needed to take over after Saul's demise.  Again, David BLOOMED where he was planted.

Many individuals today, their ministry is short lived or they suffer spiritual death because they refused to bloom where the Lord has placed them and wants to occupy a role, position or office that the Lord did not call them into.  It is very important that as believers we ensure that we are in the right environment to grow, blossom and bloom.

Never envy or covet a person's gift, anointing or office. Bloom where you are planted!
God bless you.


  1. Powerful πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  2. Hallelujah, i quote again "BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED"! This is an eye opener, many of us struggle with and how we are positioned especially in the sanctuary. If we really and truly bloom where we are planted, we would have such unity and peace among us as we serve God in spirit and in truth. My sister you hit the target another time. Stay connected !

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Amen! Continue to lift the bloodstained banner high. God bless you.

  3. Praise God for Anointing and inspiring you beautiful Minister Roma. Bless the Name of Jesus! πŸ˜‡♥️πŸ™

    1. To God be the glory. I am humbled. Continue to seek hard after God. Every blessings now, shalom.

  4. Words of truth powerful blessings sister.

  5. Hallelujah thank you Jesus. Lord please help me to BLOOM WHERE I WAS PLANTED.

  6. Bloom where you are planted. Thank you so much for sharing. Having read brought a fresh peace within me. I really appreciate it. Please continue to share the blessing!

    1. To God be the glory! Every blessings now, shalom.

  7. I love this I will continue to let the Lord groom me so I can bloom where he has plant me...God bless you my dearest.



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