Monday, June 13, 2022


 When we think of a diamond, the first thing that normally crosses our mind is the fact that it is a rare gem of beauty.  What we tend to forget most of all about this precious stone is the process that it has to go through to become what it is.

Diamond is a form of carbon that is extremely hard and is formed deep in the Earth's mantle.  A diamond has to go through immense pressure and is subject to very high temperatures.  This process often can take up to a billion year before a diamond reaches its full maturation.  How  diamonds reach to the Earth's surface is by means of asteroids or by volcanic eruptions that force or squirt magma through volcanic pipes and onto the Earth's surface.  It is important for us to know that a diamond is the hardest known mineral on the face of the earth.  Hence, it is like no other! A diamond can only be cut or scratched by another diamond.

I'd like to say to us that, beauty takes time. Ha, ha! (Let that soak in!)

Many times we are quick to complain and murmur about the tests, the trials, the struggles and the pressures this life brings not realizing that they are the constructive processes that will eventually make us who we are.  Time is always an issue for one who has been in waiting for long periods and thus; the thought, the feeling and the frustration tend to want to cause us to quit the construction process.  Whenever we get to this point it is quite important for us to reconsider what God is making out of us versus what we desire.  

There are times the enemy tries to trick us in order to get us to quit, he lies to us in various ways, he cause us to fall or stumble, he fills our minds with negativity, he causes chaos and confusion in our minds, he plants seeds of discord and disunity, hatred etc. in our hearts so as to turn us away from God and His love.  The word of God in John 10:10 reminds us, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

The enemy wants to mess with our structure! His ultimate aim is to devalue us- to cause us to lose our value and worth.  He intends to cause inclusion(s) [impurity or imperfections in a diamond] to our diamond.  The enemy intends to scale down what God intends to be great.  I encourage us today, James 1:2-4 states, " My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."  

God's desire is to make diamonds, lasting jewelry out of us.  This means that nothing will be able to shift us, break us or destroy us.  God intends for us to be so durable and strong that we last throughout the ages and nothing, absolutely nothing can shake us.  Hallelujah, glory!  The Greek word for diamond is "Adamas" which means UNCONQUERABLE & INDESTRUCTIBLE.  My friends, this is exactly what God wants to make us into but it takes time.  Will you stay true to the process?  After all, He calls us His jewels - Malachi 3:17 "“They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels.  And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.”  

What we think of our lives is not what matters but what God thinks.  He is the Creator of our vessel.  This means, it is He Who has the blueprint of our lives.  Trust that He is making diamond out of YOU.  Ephesians 2:10 reminds us, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."  

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus Christ and not on our present circumstances.  Although we are being held under pressure, it is to birth something of value and something great.  Psalm 66:10-12 Living Bible " You have purified us with fire, O Lord, like silver in a crucible.  You captured us in your net and laid great burdens on our backs.  You sent troops to ride across our broken bodies.  We went through fire and flood. But in the end, you brought us into wealth and great abundance."  

Shine, sparkle, glisten, glow and continue to radiate light - THE DIAMOND YOU!  Ezekiel 3:9 " I will make you as firm as a rock, as hard as a diamond; don't be afraid of those rebels.

God bless you

Shalom, shalom!


  Most of us would have been familiar with the passage of scripture from 2 Kings 4:8-37 where we see the account of the Shunammite woman.  T...