Saturday, November 20, 2021


 From the very first time hearing these words being put together, somehow they resonated with me, "Enchanted waters".  The word enchanted has to do with something or someone being changed by magical powers or to be placed under some sort of charm/ spell.  Other words that can be used in place of enchanted are; possessed, bewitched, hypnotized and beguiled.

If we take a careful look at the story in Genesis 3:1-13, we would have realized that the serpent deceived Eve and caused her to eat of the tree that God commanded both Adam and Eve not to touch.  Eve partake of the fruit and also gave it to her husband.  The word "beguiled" in verse 13, "And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat"  can be well interpreted to mean deceive, enchanted or to lead astray. 

Eve was led astray because she listened to the voice of the serpent.  One thing I know about serpents/ snakes is that they are very subtle and sly.  The serpent used its prowess nature to enchant Eve, so much as to appear as if she had become charmed by it, to do the very thing that was against the will of her Creator.  The serpent enchanted Eve to become disobedient to the Lord and thereby, allowing the same spirit of disobedience to rub off on Adam.  They became enchanted!  The spirit that enchants is a very catchy one!

In this season of grave uncertainty when we are in a position where we are seeking answers it is important that we rely upon the Lord for His leading.  You might be in a position where you are eager to see the desires of your heart being met or you are at an uncomfortable place trying to make the best of life.  It is in these times that the enemy tends to prowl around because he knows that there is much vulnerability.  These are the seasons when he tries to show up with various types of temptations, various types of things that he thinks resembles what God has promised us.  Theses are the times the enemy tends to falsify or cast a tainted picture before our eyes to enchant or deceive us.  We must be alert to the schemes of the enemy! Whenever we get to a season as questionable as such, it is important to seek divine intervention.  Ask the Lord to unravel, open and uncover what is presented before our eyes.  Perhaps we should ask ourselves; Is it the real deal? Is this what God promised? Is this the will of God for my life? Is this in alignment with what God says about me or where I'm going? If you cannot answer those questions clearly, then it is important to pray again, seek again! you might just be swimming in enchanted waters that can only lead you away from the divine will of God.

Oftentimes we may look for a physical battle with the enemy, or for him to come by the usual way of plaguing the mind but I want us to realize that he never runs out of strategies.  The enemy may use our friends, our families, our advisors, doctors, mentors and just about any available vessel he find to use to attack us.  His main aim is to get us off track and away from the will of God.  The enemy wants to change the course of your life.  He wants to abort purpose. His ultimate plan is to get you to live a life of unbelief, defeat and disgust so that you will never live out your purpose.  He wants to keep you swimming in his enchanted waters.  Won't you get out!

It is time to run to Jesus.  Let Him lead you and pilot your ship.  Without Him, failure is inevitable.  Won't you let Him today! Quit helping God to bring you out.  God has never lost course or has never forgotten His next move.  He is always sure.  Let go and let GOD!

Shalom, shalom! 

God bless you!

Time For A Spiritual Awakening!

 The world is in a mode of great anticipation and expectancy.  It is a season and time where there is a certain level of eagerness to see wh...